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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Planetshakers 06

Tell me what's wrong with this picture: my planetshakers satchel is packed for tonight, and this is what it contains: Bible, Notebook, Pen, Conference Diary, Water, Umbrella. (answer at the end of the post).

Sydney Planetshakers started last night at the State Sports Centre (Olympic Park). I'm registered, but due to work can only attend nights, so it's going to be a big week (it's about a 45min drive from work to Planetshakers).

I'm starting to think that maybe I'm getting old.....especially when I'm at something like Planetshakers. We were lining up for an hour, and some of the kids were trying to push through to the front of the line with lines like "my friend's just up there"....when just seconds before we could hear them discussing their strategy...! And then the surge that comes from behind just as the doors get opened....I've seen kids (at planetshakers) get hurt, just from standing in line!

It was good once we were inside. It's fairly easy to find a seat due to the size of the venue, and the fact that the conference is not at capacity - something that's good during summer!

The new songs this year are good....the one stand out song is called "Save Australia". Mike Guglielmucci spoke about how this generation has been "pacified", and how it's time that we "spat the dummy", and stood up for what we believe in, and stand for our nation.

For years, I've heard many songs calling God to save the USA, but not many half-decent songs calling for God to save Australia...until last night. The chorus goes something like "Save Australia, pour Your Spirit out, on this nation, send revival to this land..." and then it even breaks into the national anthem. I tell you, it's powerful to see a room full of young people calling God to save their nation - and even worshipping Him through the national anthem!

When we left the state sports centre, we were amazed to discover that was still raining! A thunderstorm hit just before the preaching started, but we didn't think that it would still be raining over an hour later. So guess who got wet on the 10 minute walk back to the car? Me! In my nice cool summer clothes and flimsy footwear...! And so that's why an UMBRELLA is now packed in my satchel for tonight.

I never thought that I'd need to take an umbrella to a conference in January!

sorry to hear you got drenched!!! It sounds like you had a good time, Paula!
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