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Saturday, July 15, 2006

[HS06] Wednesday

I hope you understood that last post. If it seemed fragmented, that's probably because it was written in about 5 sections :-)

wednesday was another great day at hillsong. The day started off with ps brian speaking in the morning, then we headed off to the worship stream, where the worship was acoustic, and lead by martin smith and stu g of delirious. It was a beautiful, intimate time of worship. The teaching came from darlene and Jentzen - darkene spoke about working out your 'because' - your reason for why you do what you do, and Jentzen spoke about how things are only limited when we try to measure them - we limit God and ourselves by measuring.

i then went to a vocal elective with darlene and cindy cruise-ratcliff.

[Ok, it's been over a week since i started writing this post, so please forgive any vagueness!]

i'm not sure who spoke at the night meeting - i think it was Jentezen franklin and bill hybels. Alvin, israel and cindy lead the worship.

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