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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I'm back!

Well I'm back from my holidays - if you can call them that!  I took 5 days off, but they were spread over two weeks, with 2 days of work in the middle, so I didn't really get a chance to relax.  But, it was great spending two weeks with my sister. 
The first weekend that she was here we headed off to Hillsong on the sunday night for their Touching Heaven worship night, which was fantastic.  It was the first time that my sister had been to their new building, so she was really blown away by the size of everything. 
The next weekend, which is where my holiday started, we headed off to Wollongong for a "mini-break" - to see our friends and go to their bands' final concert (www.blindband.com).  The weekend was a bit of a bust as our accomodation wasn't quite what we expected (a slight case of false advertising - www.wslr.com.au), and due to some maintenance problems, we had maintenance guys in the cabin on the first night, and also early the next morning! And, the first day we were there, Wollongong put on a great thunderstorm for us!  We got drenched (and that's no exaggeration!) just running 10 metres to the fish & chip shop! Our clothes were still wet the next day. However, the next day was beautiful, so of course we spent the whole afternoon inside at the major shopping centre in Wollongong! (as you do!)
Then, it was back to work for 2 whole days, then on holidays for another 3 - Wednesday saw us heading into the city to go and see "The Lion King".  It was incredible.  If you haven't gone to see it, GO!!!!!  I'm ready to go again! (you can get tickets from www.thelionking.com.au, or www.ticketmaster7.com.au)
The rest of the holiday was spent being tourists - going aqua golfing at panthers, going shopping at Koorong in West Ryde, going to see Bridget Jones:The edge of reason, sleeping in...(I wish!  I've got construction workers right next door to my house - one morning they started at 6:30!!! - A whole HOUR before I even consider getting up on a work day!), going to Krispy Kremes, and then back to the airport to drop my sister off.  Needless to say, now I need a holiday to get over the one I've just had.

email genius!

I discovered this fantastic website care of Ps Phil Baker's blog (www.philbaker.net)
It really puts a whole new spin on punctuation!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Passion:Worship [pt2]

I'm re-reading a book I put down a while ago: "The Air I Breathe : Worship as a Way of Life" by Louie Giglio (founder of the Passion movement), and came across this passage:
"...true worship is simply catching sight of the greatness, majesty, splendor, glory, and grace of an infinite God.  When God is not greatly praised, it's only because we don't think He's that great of a God.  When our worship is small, it's because our concept of God is small.  When we offer God little-bitty sacrifices, it's because we've somehow reduced Him in our hearts to a little-bitty God.  Our vision has become clouded, our hearts distracted..."  (Page 55)

Monday, November 08, 2004

an interesting blog...

Somehow I came across this blog in the lead-up to the federal election - it makes quite an entertaining read!


Lano & Woodley DVD!!!

I'm excited!!!!

I'd heard rumours about there being an official Lano & Woodley release on DVD, but now it's been confirmed!

The whole 2 series' of "The Adventures of Lano & Woodley" (as seen on the ABC and Comedy Channel) is being released in a 2-disc set called "The Complete Adventures of Lano & Woodley".

It comes out on Dec 1 - just in time for Christmas!, and will be available from all ABC shops, HMV, or online at http://www.lanoandwoodley.com I think it's going for around $38


over the weekend....

Well my sister arrived on Saturday, which is good. We pretty much spent the rest of the weekend doing nothing - apart from sunday, when I dragged her along to both our am services PLUS soundcheck! (Which pretty much means that we were at church from 7:30am until 1pm!).

Then, sunday evening, we went along to Hillsong for the Touching Heaven night. It was a treat for Kimberley as she'd never been inside the new church building. It was an amazing night - the worship was amazing! A friend of mine got us really great seats - front row on the left hand side as you look at the stage.

PASSION: Internal vs External Worship?

I've been pondering this topic for a while...it's one that I find both interesting and frustrating.
As someone who is on stage, helping to lead worship, it can be frustrating to see what seems to be a "non-responsive" church - a church showing minimal "external" evidences of worship - ie raised hands, etc.
I know that it's not about seeing those things, as it's not the external appearance, it's all about the heart and connecting with God and as such, assumptions should not be made on the outward appearance...
But, the act of God sending Jesus, His Son, to die for us on the cross, was an EXTREMELY external, visible, act of worship.  The passion that consumed Jesus, was evident to all, not just to those close to him.  God wants us to worship Him passionately - with our whole lives - allowing our passionate love for Him to consume us, just as it consumed Him.
Lately, the example of David dancing when the Ark of the Covenant came back to Jerusalem has been at the front of my mind.  David's worship at that time is a true example of passionate, external worship. Would his worship at that time still be spoken about if he'd "internallised" his worship?  If he'd just stood there and gone "yay" - even though his spirit might be screaming inside?
If you truly love someone, don't you express it externally? Don't you go out of your way, out of your comfort zone, to please them? What would happen in a relationship if you only expressed how you were feeling inside your own head?
Just my thoughts at this moment in time...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

new cd

I tried to post this earlier, but I'm still having problems working this thing out.
This is the cover to our new cd, which is being released on Dec 5th @ 6pm - feel free to come along!


Well, my holidays are just  'round the corner, which is great, as I really need one!
My sister arrives on saturday, and then it's a mix of holidays and work for the next two weeks.
We're supposed to be going to a BBQ in Wollongong on thursday, but we're not sure if that's still happening, as one of our friends who were hosting the bbq has been called in to work all day :( bummer!  Oh well.  We'll still be there, so we'll just create a party for three days!